Egg Basket Sullivan County New York
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Doug Goldsmith
Doug Goldsmith

Richard b.1913-75 and Beatrice Goldsmith b.1917-90 purchased a small farm in White Sulphur Springs, N.Y. in 1947. Doug b.1938 helped his mother run the egg farm,  His father was a mason contractor and Doug helped him to build many of the egg coops in the area. In 1958, after serving in the army for 2 years, he married Eleanor Mallory and raised 4 children. In the early 60’s, he went to work as Night Supervisor for the Inter-County egg processing facility in Woodridge.  He was promoted to Supervisor of Shipping and later worked at EgCart Inc., Inter-County’s packaging plant. He stayed with Inter-County until they closed in 1982. He then worked with Dick Williams’ R&M Feed in Monticello and later drove a school bus for Gable’s then Gershowitz’s Rolling V transporting school children for Jeffersonville and Liberty until he retired in 2008.

     Interviewed: February, 2011

     Doug died on Sept.11, 2015

Select Clips of Doug Goldsmith
1.1-Aa Doug G
2.H-7c Doug G
3.H-8a+b+c Doug G

Full Interview(s)
22-Doug Goldsmith-Full