Egg Basket Sullivan County New York
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Seymour Streigold
Seymour Streigold

Harold Streigold b.1926-94 married Frieda Horowitz b.1925-2005 in 1950 and moved to Woodridge in 1953. His wife’s parents, Morris b.1901-62 and Becky Horowitz b.1905-84 had already established an egg farm in the mid 40’s. Their son Harold eventually took over this farm and eventually closed it by 1977. The Horowitz’s gave land to Harold and Frieda to start their own egg farm in 1954. Harold and his wife raised 4 children. Seymour b.1960 was born on the farm and worked on the farm from a young age. Harold also developed retail routes in NYC and among the summer bungalow colonies. In 1968, Harold joined the NY State Narcotics Division to keep the farm going. By 1972, economic pressures were severe and the family decided to close the farm. Seymour attended college but in 1982 he started working as an electrician in NYC. He still works today as a union electrician in the NYC area.

    Interviewed: February, 2011

Select Clips of Seymour Streigold
1.1-Aa Seymour S
2.2-0a+b+c Seymour S
3.A-9a+b Seymour S

Full Interview(s)
24-Seymour Streigold-Full