Egg Basket Sullivan County New York
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Rose & Dave  Levitz
Rose & Dave Levitz

His father,Harry, and mother, Dora bought 60 acres in 1912 in Ulster Heights. He worked as a painter, commuting to NYC. In 1930, he built a barn establishing a commercial dairy. In the early 1940’s, he built a chicken coop and started raising layers. Dave b.1918 was born and raised on the family farm, taking it over and working it with his mother, when his father passed away in 1945. Dave and Rose b.1925 married in 1948   and she worked on the farm. They have four children. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Inter-County Feed Co-op for over 40 years before it closed. He and his wife are currently retired.

        Interviewed: May, 2010

Select Clips of Rose & Dave Levitz
1.1-Ac+d Dave & Rose L
2.2-0d+e+f Dave & Rose L
3.G-12+a+b Dave & Rose L

Full Interview(s)
09-Dave + Rose Levitz-Full