Egg Basket Sullivan County New York
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Ken Schmitt
Ken Schmitt

Ray Schmitt b.1913-1989 established Ramapo Eggs, an egg distribution business, supplying eggs to commercial customers in the NYC metropolitan area. He moved his family to Mountaindale in 1958, to be close to the egg farms in Sullivan County. Ken b.1951 joined the family business after college and enlarged the company. Ramapo Eggs closed in 1980.

Interviewed: January, 2009 and  November, 2010

Select Clips of Ken Schmitt
1.A-0-Ken S EB
2.A-8+a-Ken S EB
3.C-0-Pt.2-Ken S
4.C-0+b-Ken S EB
5.G-10c-04a Pt.1-Ken S
6.G-13a+b-Pt.1-Ken S

Full Interview(s)
04-Ken Schmitt-Full
04a-Ken Schmitt-Full Pt.1
04a-Ken Schmitt-Full Pt.2